Kansas Juvenile Officers Association Logo

Kansas Juvenile 
Officers Association


The Kansas Juvenile Officers Association (KSJOA) is an organization committed to Kansas kids.  KSJOA was established in 2009 by the merging of Kansas D.A.R.E. Officers Association (KDOA), and the Kansas School Resource Officers Association (KASRO). 

The KSJOA exists to promote harmony and good will among members of the association; to promote continuity of materials and teaching techniques; to reinforce and maintain discipline of the D.A.R.E. curriculum; and to develop a means to disseminate information which is valuable to all members statewide. 

Upcoming Events

President's Message

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NASRO Training Events

D.A.R.E. - Teaching Students Decision Making For Safe & Healthy Living

Seatbelts Are For Everyone

Kansas Attorney General's Office

Copyright 2024, Kansas Juvenile Officers Association
The Kansas Juvenile Officers Association is a registered 501(c)(3) corporation in Kansas.

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